Bergamo Montessori Schools

Living the Mission: 2015 Alumni Student Leaders!

Dear Families,

The other night at a Montessori 101 evening for new parents, someone asked me “How do children transition to new schools when they leave this program?” Without thinking, my automatic go-to was to say, “Almost, without exception, they transition beautifully. But, as important as academics are, social development and competence is as important – perhaps even more important.”

Last year, I was proud to tell you that our Montessori graduates won 3 out of 4 student body elections at a nearby local public school – President, Vice President and Secretary. The 7th grade class representative who was elected was also a Montessori graduate.

This year, I am proud to announce that Haily Holston was elected student body President and Taylor van Loben Sels was elected Vice President at near-by Didion School. Also, Delaney Thompson, who graduated from our Woodland campus was elected student body President at Leonardo Da Vinci school in Davis. (Delaney is the daughter of Wendy Tye who is our Elementary Program Director, a 9-12 guide at our Woodland campus, and Bergamo Parent Ed presenter.)

I would also like to mention that our recent Montessori graduates, Lucas Boisvert and Bryce Mar, were selected for the basketball team at Didion School – which I am told is no easy feat!

News of these elections made me feel so proud of our work here at the Bergamo schools. Three cheers to these families and students, and the awesome staff who dedicate themselves to your children!

Pam Lynn
Head of School

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