Bergamo Montessori Schools

Passing Notes: A reluctant parent opens up his record collection to his 3 year old son…

We host a Journey & Discovery event at least twice a year for our parents. This event walks the parents through each level of our school and allows the parents a child’s eye view while experiencing a typical day in a Montessori classroom. We have had many happy parents over the years comment on how this event brings them to a much deeper level of understanding of their child’s education. We were especially touched by this note that came to us after the November 2015 Journey & Discovery, as it is the most personal we have received yet.

“Hi Pam and Dayna!

I wanted to say thank you for your hard work hosting Journey to Discovery. It was clear that the teachers and staff worked very hard to organize the event and to bring the parents into the experience. It got me thinking a lot about a number of things – about bringing Montessori home and about the dignity we afford our children by allowing them to touch everything.

I have a large record collection here at home which, until yesterday, was both prominently displayed and 100% off limits for E. I am meticulous about the storage and care of this collection (all 400 or so are in plastic protective sleeves, sorted alphabetically and by year of release). Yesterday, I took a deep breath and decided to just dive in. E and I spent a few hours going through the collection. I taught him about the vinyl and the sleeves and covers. I showed him how the sound went from the player to the stereo and then to the speakers. Below is a picture of E being allowed, for the first time, to clean a record using a special velvet brush and cleaning solution. Like his daddy, he does not like the sound of a dirty record.


















It struck me, as he was cleaning, how similar this photo looks to the ones we see of him in the classroom. And it’s worth mentioning that he was a very different child in this moment. E is generally wild and fun and initiates wrestling matches when I least expect it. I love that version of him, but here, E was attentive and careful and patient. I’m excited to see more of this version of E and I’m grateful to have such a wonderful partner in E’s education and development.

Thanks for all you do.



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